LiteDB - Embedded NoSQL database

As the title states - LiteDB is embedded nosql one file database. In terms of features it offers quite a lot:

LiteDB is written in C#, so there is not much effort needed to integrate it into your project - just add it from nuget by running

Install-Package LiteDB

Without further ado, let’s write some code. First we need to create our model:

public class Product 
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

Important note here
If you are interacting with LiteDB via POCOs, LiteDB automatically converts them to the internal BsonDocument type. Because of that automation, there are some rules, that you have to follow. You can find them all in the documentation. The main ones are:

Connecting to/creating database

For the demo purposes I’m going to use this helper method to simplify the code. In real application you would definitely hide your database behind some kind of abstraction and parameterize the connection string.

LiteDatabase OpenDatabase() 
    var connectionString = "sample.db";
    var db = new LiteDatabase(connectionString);
    return db;

Simplest connection string is just the path to the database file. If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created upon the first write.

How to do basic CRUD

Now to actually do something useful …

Adding items to the database

var products = new List<Product> 
    new Product 
        Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
        Name = "Potato",
        Description = "The finest potato you can get",
        Price = 12.30m
    new Product 
        Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
        Name = "Bread",
        Description = "Not just flour and water",
        Price = 15.40m
    new Product 
        Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
        Name = "Butter",
        Description = "Smooth and delicious butter",
        Price = 9.50m
using (var db = OpenDatabase()) 
    var collectionName = nameof(Product);
    var productsDb = db.GetCollection<Product>(collectionName);
    var insertedCount = productsDb.Insert(products);
    var totalCount = productsDb.Count();
    Console.WriteLine($"inserted: { insertedCount }; total: { totalCount }");
    // which outputs: inserted: 3; total: 3

Since this is a nosql database, we are working with collections of documents. The method call GetCollection opens a collection with the specified name. If the collection doesn’t exist, it will be created for us (on the first write).

If you don’t explicitly open a transaction, it is automatically opened for each command. Calling the Commit method will write all changes to disk.

Querying data

Let’s do a simple query to find all products with a price lower than 15

using (var db = OpenDatabase()) 
    var collectionName = nameof(Product);
    var productsDb = db.GetCollection<Product>(collectionName);
    var products = productsDb.Find(p => p.Price < 15);

As a side note - LiteDB needs to have the property on which you search indexed. So if it’s not indexed, it will create an index on the fly. But you can then always drop it with the DropIndex method.


using (var db = OpenDatabase()) 
    var collectionName = nameof(Product);
    var productsDb = db.GetCollection<Product>(collectionName);
    // find the item
    var productToUpdate = productsDb.Find(p => p.Name == "Butter").First();
    // change some properties
    productToUpdate.Price = 3.50m;
    // write back changes


using (var db = OpenDatabase()) 
    var collectionName = nameof(Product);
    var productsDb = db.GetCollection<Product>(collectionName);
    var productToDelete = productsDb.Find(p => p.Name == "Bread").First();

For more information and examples check out the docs.


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