
I’m available for consultation and project work.

With over 12 years of experience with professional software development and turning business ideas into shipped products I believe I will be able to find a solution for your problem.

If you are interested you can reach me at


My current primary focus is C# / .NET and Azure Cloud. Everything from web applications to tools and desktop apps.

Technologies & Tools

Over the years I have worked with many, non-exhaustive list includes:

C#, .NET, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, WCF, Windows Forms, Docker, IIS, MySQL, MSSQL, Git, Svn, Azure DevOps, GitHub, JIRA, Confluence, Kentico, Sitecore, Javascript, jQuery, Angular, Typescript, Netlify, Azure Cloud Services - Storage, Functions, App Service, Key Vault, Front Door, Application Insights …

References & Projects

Besides long-term contracts working as part of a team delivering larger solutions for e-commerce, company presentations and internal tools, I also worked on tools for smaller clients such as:

Cryptocurrency data aggregator

Ingesting and normalizing financial and trading data from multiple exchanges over REST APIs and live feeds over websockets. Backtesting and optimization framework. User interface for trade management.

SMS gateway

Solution for delivering SMS notifications utilizing multiple GSM modems to ensure delivery. Built as a server application, working as a queue, and multiple dedicated machines reading from it and utilizing basic GSM module for SMS delivery.

Internet café

Desktop application consisting of an agent, running on every client machine, and an administrator application for user billing and management.

Microscope photo measurement

Desktop application allowing the user to quickly locate and measure certain patterns present in captured images.